As a leader, you’re responsible for your team. You need to help your team run efficiently, and you need to make decisions that are best for your team.
Most leaders have their own way of leading. Average leaders lead by force, but great leaders lead by example, and through inspiration.
So if you dream of being a great leader, one that will increase the productivity of your team and maintain a happy work environment, the following are four essential things you must do.
1. Have a great attitude
Your team is not going to want to follow a leader that is always in a bad mood. Instead, you need to be happy when around your team and have a positive attitude. Let your team know when they do a good job, and constantly use words of encouragement to help them continue to improve. If you are positive and always have a great attitude, you’ll encourage your team to do the same.
2. Be realistic
It’s very important that a great leader is realistic with their goals. You need to remember that sometimes, there’s just no possible way that something is going to get done in a short time frame, so don’t set goals your team can’t achieve.
If you’re constantly setting your team up for failure, and then constantly getting mad at their lack of success, you’re not going to create a healthy working environment, and you’re not being a team leader. It’s very important that you truly think about the goals at hand and make them attainable for your team.
3. Delegate fairly
As a leader, it’s your responsibility to delegate responsibilities to your team. In order to be a great leader, it’s important that you delegate fairly. If you’re constantly giving the easy assignments to certain individuals, you’re going to create tension in the workplace.
Make sure that you truly think about each team member’s strengths, and then delegate the necessary responsibilities to who is best suited for that job. Doing this not only makes your team happy, but it also helps to improve productivity, which is the ultimate end goal.
When you delegate responsibilities, it’s also important that you give some of that work to yourself. Nobody likes a leader who dishes out tasks and doesn’t do any part of the project to help the team. If you truly want to be a great leader, you won’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and tackle some of that responsibility on your own.
4. Stand up for your team
A great leader has no fear, and it’s very important that you stand up for your team whenever necessary. For example, if a client is asking for something that’s impossible, you have to stand up to the client and let them know. Tell the client that this project cannot be completed in that specific time frame, at least not if they want quality work.
Your clients will be happy to receive a quality project that took longer than to receive garbage on time. Plus, your team will be happy that they’re not rushing through projects.
When you stand up for what your team needs, you’re being an accountable leader, and this is important. You need to make sure that the lines of communication are open between you and your team, and if your team is having issues with client demands, you need to step in and take care of it.
About the author
Jayman Meadows is a life coach specializing in behavioral modification for those who struggle with depression.
I love #1
The key to lead a team effectively is through positive attitude because a leader shine light for is followers to see.
But #4 is the king.
A leader that can’t sacrifice him/herself for is followers is a coward. The ability to stand out from the crowd is the spirit of leadership.
Great job Jayman.
Thanks Sam,
Nice contribution here. I like the way you phrased the last point; “A leader that can’t sacrifice him/herself for is followers is a coward.” Very true indeed and such leader is not worth following!
Thanks for sharing us about the leadership quality. It is very important for all of us to have a great personality and to be original if we want to be a good team leader.
Thanks Wilson for your comment.
Leadership indeed transcends all aspect of business and as entrepreneurs, they determine whether or not we would be able to truly build enduring great companies.
great to read… keep on sharing
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