Browsing: Start Up

Between the conceptualization of business a idea or the recognition of a business opportunity and the actual execution of the idea or the pursuit of the business opportunity, there is a gap. This gap is caused by fear, those inner demons that rare up their ugly heads as you embark on your entrepreneur’s journey. I refer to them as entrepreneurial fears and they are quite a handful of them.

What Makes You A CEO? CEOs also come in various categories; we have those who make their companies great and those who bring their companies pain; we have those who lead and those who rule; we have those who win and those who lose. What makes them different?

The Most Important Business Question EVER For Entrepreneurs. Defining your business is the most important task all entrepreneurs need to do in order to succeed in their venture. Your business is not the product/service you offer. Your business is not the industry you are. That you sell dogs, is not your business; so do many others like you. That you make clothes, is not your business; so do many others like you. That you manage events, is not your business; so do many others like you.

Unusual Entrepreneur Interview With {r}evolution Apparel: How 2 Unusual Women Are Changing The World And Profiting From Purpose Through Clothing. This is the very first edition of the Unusual Entrepreneur Interviews. In this edition, I present to you 2 women [Kristin and Shannon] who are profiting from purpose by changing the world through clothing.