Welcome to 2015, so glad you made it!
Breaking the silence
It’s been precisely 2 months ago you last heard from me, I wish it weren’t so. But couldn’t just help it.
I have been busy working on a very impact-driven project with my Vision Partners [team] to relaunch one of our failed projects since 2011.
Last week Tuesday we finally launched www.UniteNigeria.com and it’s been one heck of a crazy ride!
I just couldn’t help NOT thinking of you and feeling bad about the sudden silence. Wasn’t intentional. So pardon me!
Moving On…
It’s that time of the year again, when we are all presented with another opportunity to start afresh and make amends.
The simple fact of seeing another new year is not suddenly going to make things any different from the previous year. This is often the wrong perception people approach the new year with and also the origin of New Year resolutions.
You know all those ‘wishful thinking’ promises you tell yourself at the start of every New Year?
Regardless of how many resolutions are on your list, nothing new is going to happen if you still go about your business the same way you did last year.
That’s why I don’t do New Year resolutions and never allow the whole frenzy of a New Year get to me. In my view, it’s NOT the New Year that makes things better, it’s the new actions you take that counts.
So whether you decide to take these new actions in July, September, January or December doesn’t really matter. What counts is that you make up your mind to find out what things you need to begin to do differently and commit to doing them consistently.
If not, 2015 is going to be another 2014, except the difference in the last digit!
Execution 2015!
That’s the keyword I suggest you run with this new year.
I know this keyword might have appeared in a couple of your New Year resolution lists, the semantics could be a little bit different, such as;
- Take action
- Do more
- Finish more
- Work harder
Whatever you choose to call it doesn’t really count as much as just wanting to get things done, right?
So rather than focusing much on the semantics, let’s dig deeper into the process.
Two KINDS of Execution
There are two kinds of execution, and in my view, many entrepreneurs are not aware of this.
Here’s the question I often ask to help my clients see this different perspectives to execution;
“Why do two people who go into the same line of business, at the same time and in the same geographical environment achieve totally different results over a given period of time?”
I know you’ve probably thought of this at some point or the other in your entrepreneurial journey. The most common of all possible time when this thought crosses your mind is when you see a fellow competitor doing much better than you are.
It makes you stop to ponder, “What am I missing? After all we are both doing the same business.”
Well, here’s the truth; you might be in the same line of business BUT you definitely are NOT doing the same things.
In other words, there’s a difference in your execution.
The two kinds of execution are;
- Energy-driven Execution
- Strategy-driven Execution
So which one are you going to be using in 2015?
Let me know in your comments.
This is just the beginning of this series to help you kickstart your year 2015 on a winning note.
I had a live radio interview on Nigerian Info 99.3FM last Tuesday about developing a social media strategy for 2015, it was a blast and you can listen to the recording here
happy to have you back.