Month: January 2011

Becoming your own boss has sort of gained a global appeal. These days many people start up their own businesses for virtually any reason. Somehow it doesn’t seem to count anymore what led people to go into business, going into business has suddenly become the new mantra of the 21st century. In this article I will be x-raying some of the ways how NOT to start a business so that in the end, you can have the right mindset needed to start a business. I welcome you to join me in this exciting journey and as you go through this unusual article I want you to constantly bear this in mind, failure in business is usually as a result of how you start.

Simply put; progress means a positive and gradual but steady advancement or movement towards a preconceived or predetermined object, goal or destination. Speed comes second, what you must know and define first, is your desired destination, goal or objective. Progress is all about setting first an end; something specific that you are willing to go all out to accomplish. The manner, approach and speed at which you want to go about achieving that end comes second. Often times, the problem is not that time has gone or that years have gone by, but rather, a problem of lack of purpose, vision or goal.

“The content of your personal life experience is your greatest competitive edge in business!” Take it or leave it. Your most competitive advantage in business as an entrepreneur is your personal life experience as an individual. Why is this so? Because there is something unique about you and your life experience that no other competition can replicate no matter how hard they try. They simply cannot replicate your life experience. It is totally liberating to know that you have an edge over all the others in your niche just because you have a personal life experience that is uniquely yours. Your only task therefore is to find a way to add some usefulness to your uniqueness. That is, use your unique personal life experience to do some good [useful] in the world through your business.

The idea of being lazy will totally seem like an insult to our entrepreneurial personality; for crying out loud, we dare what others don’t, right? The truth is we entrepreneurs are more susceptible to laziness in more ways than the average person in the world. The very fact that we are on a mission to create change through whatever business we’ve chosen to venture into calls for more discipline and hard work many of us are having a hard time coping with.

There are only two kinds of people in the world; those who like doing things ‘with people’ and those who like working ‘with things’. If you are the kind who likes working ‘with people’, then you are a ‘people person’; and if you are the kind who prefer working ‘on things’, then you are a ‘process person’. What do I mean?

I’m not saying they aren’t exceptions to this. The key is to find out which of the two kinds of persons you are DOMINANTLY. That is; of the two, which do you majorly operate under? It is possible to learn how to be a ‘process person’ if you are predominantly a ‘people person’ and vice versa. Your task is to find purpose by focusing on your predominant side and compensate for the other side by learning their core abilities.

Purpose is what brought you to existence. You don’t exist to choose your purpose; you exist for a purpose. It’s because there was a need (intention) that’s why you were created (intended) as a solution to that need. You are a solution to an existing problem. You don’t question purpose; you submit, obey purpose. No creature questions the intentions of the creator. Your job on earth is to find and follow your purpose. The usefulness of an invention can only be explained by the inventor and not the other way. Conclusively, purpose is the intent of the creator, and it is to be obeyed and followed.