Browsing: Marketing

Customer Psychology Marketing: WHY Do People BUY? If you want customers to buy what you have to sell, here is what you need to do; Forget about what you want or don’t want and focus on giving them what they want and getting rid of what they don’t want!

The 3Ms Of Highly Effective Marketing. Why do some marketing work and others don’t?

What constitutes an effective marketing strategy? How can you get the most from your marketing efforts? Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. If you get your marketing right, you’d greatly improve your odds of success!

Small business marketing strategies: I will be sharing some strategic ways of finding profitable customers that you can practically put to use now and continually reap the rewards. The last time, I shared 3 fundamental marketing processes you need to undertake in finding profitable customers; market research, market segmentation and target marketing. They

In marketing, because the objective is building a relationship, the pressure to sell is removed and certain things are exchanged for free. These things are what make relationship building with prospects possible. Unlike selling where money is collected before any relationship is initiated, in marketing, giving something for free is what facilitates relationship building.