Month: July 2010

How To Work And Get The Kind Of Results You Want. We all know intuitively the benefits of work, hard work, or working hard. Here are some quick reminders;

“He who does not work, should not eat.”

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

“Work is a vital part of life.”

“Work is how bills are paid and objectives achieved.”

That was the easy part, right? Over time, I have come to realize that “working”, that is; the actual performance of a task, an activity or duty, is not the real problem. The real problem for the majority of people out there is not their inability to work–laziness, although this is true for some people, but rather their inability to prioritize work–focus! Too many of us spend our lives working on the wrong things first. I work, you work, we all work, but that’s not the point or key to success, fulfillment or greatness in life. The key is not the performance of the activity itself (work). The key lies in our ability to prioritize the activity and organize the performance of the activity.